It’ll always be too late, and that’s exactly why it’s never too late

2 min readOct 23, 2021


When I was 10 years old, I used to love watching Oprah. She interviewed many influential people that have a bright mark in this world.

Among which she interviewed lots of young risers. Aka children who were successful very early on in their lives. Some of which were just 10 years olds. Thats like! MY AGE!

And thats when the feeling that I have a deadline to achieve something great in this world started. I couldn’t help but feel behind, at 10, 14 and 17.

It won’t come as a surprise that I felt the same way when I turned 19. I felt that my time to shine is over and whatever I do now will be considered “normal”.

“Only if I started when I was 10 years old, that would have been the perfect timing. I wonder why I thought I was old, I was literally a child”.

Funny thing at 19 I was told by many people that I am too young to do certain things, and the conflict between too young and too old created serious frustration and temper issues. Thats why I never underestimate teenagers and young adults sufferings “).

Moving on to 23, I felt like I should give up already cause, I mean, my time is gone gone now. “I wish I started at 19, gosh I was so naive to think that I was old”.

Fast forward to now, almost 25 years old, with a little bit of understanding and sanity, I found calmness in my heart. I understood that 20s 30s, or even 60s, it’ll never be too late.

You’ll always grow and wish you started before “I.e. now”. And responding to the fear of achieving “greatness” by specific age will never water your soul. Cause then, what’s next?

While my 15 years old me thought that my 10 years old me was young; my 19 years old me thought that my 15 was freaking young and so my 25 years old me thinks that my 19 years old me is very very young.

The moral of the story is, YOU WILL ALWAYS FEEL OLD, no matter how old you are. YOU WILL ALWAYS FEEL BEHIND, no matter what you do.

And acceptance of who you are and where you are is the key.

Remember! It’ll always be too late, and that’s exactly why it’s never too late




All I do is ramble about my life, authentically.