Putting your heart out there hurts… but here is the alternative

1 min readApr 17, 2022

“I stay up all night, tell myself I’m alright. Maybe I’m just harder than most”

Love, happiness, and intimacy are three coins you cannot fully experience until you taste the opposite side of them.

You cannot experience true intimacy without putting your heart out and placing trust in people you have no guarantees they’ll keep your heart. You cannot experience true closeness to someone without risking being rejected and disappointed.

You cannot experience true happiness without experiencing sadness. Even joy without some days off gets exhausting. Happiness is the promise of being content most days, not every day. Without the low points, happiness becomes agony.

But most importantly you cannot fully feel love without risking heartbreak.

You cannot feel fully loved without being 100% yourself and risk being rejected for something you cannot change.

You cannot love fully until you put your armour away and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Love is not meant to be safe.

Love is an act of courage, not a weakness.




All I do is ramble about my life, authentically.