Leaving is hard. Deciding that you’ve had enough is not easy. But leaving is also an Art.
Just as there are many many books guiding us through the art of starting, there should be many more on the art of leaving. The end of the conversation is just as important as the beginning of it, the end of a job is just as important as the beginning of it, the end of a phase in our life is just as important as the beginning of it, and the end of a relationship is just as important as the beginning of it.
You’ve probably found yourself in a situation where the conversation kept going way after it was supposed to end. Whatever is being said at this point just felt like a useless addition, sometimes you even start cultivating negative emotions towards it. Remember that nice date, that just went longer than it probably should, remember how you felt? Remember all the charm and interest slightly faded away? well, that why knowing when to leave is as important as knowing when to stay.
That job you had enough off, now getting under your skin and you just want to change? well! If you can travel with time you’d wish if you had just called it a day. You may have learned a lot, but there comes a point where you keep asking yourself, wait! what was the purpose of what I’m doing again? And just so a phase, where you keep repeating the same mistakes. You probably felt some way, wonderful or poor, you may long to keep repeating the wonderful, or struggle to stop the poor, but you should understand, that some phases must just end.
You keep doing the same mistakes hoping for those familiar feelings again, after all, unfamiliarity is scary, but what you need to understand is that some phases must end now. And even though joy and happiness from the same things are expected not to have a time frame but sadly just like the poor, the wonderful has to end. You can’t keep experiencing the same type of joy, just like you can’t do things the same way, you can’t expect to always feel content from the same things, and it’s okay if it doesn’t. We are humans and we grow, we will never forget but we should never limit ourselves to what we know.
Leaving a relationship might be the hardest one to do, but funnily enough, it’s the most important one. You have seen the signs, you have hurt a lot, you don’t feel loved anymore, they don’t treat you the way you deserve, this is your sign to go. Don’t underestimate your value by staying where you don’t belong, even if it was where you did one day. Not all relationships have to end but not all have to stay. You know it very well, after that specific point, you’ll be just selling yourself for less and have to endure shit that you are way better off without. So make sure you know when to leave and when to go.
And that's why learning when to leave is an art that we should all learn.